How Long Do Dental Bridges Last

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Team Dental Bridges

Missing teeth can negatively impact your oral health and self-confidence. Replacing a missing tooth is the best way to protect oral health and improve chewing ability.

Dental bridges are sturdy, practical replacements for missing teeth. A traditional dental bridge with excellent care should last about ten to 15 years.

About Dental Bridges

Dental bridges fill in gaps between missing teeth. They can replace up to two or three teeth in a row. A dental bridge consists of three main parts:

  • Abutment: Healthy teeth or implants adjacent to the gap form the bridge's abutments.
  • Crown: Dental crowns reinforce the abutment teeth and provide a place to attach the bridge.
  • Pontics: The pontics are artificial teeth in the middle of the bridge, restoring appearance and chewing ability.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

Protect Oral Health

Missing teeth can damage your oral health in multiple ways. Leaving a gap in your smile lets food and plaque collect. Your natural teeth may shift out of position, causing crowding or excessive spacing. As a result, you may experience higher rates of tooth decay and gum disease.

Restore Chewing Ability

Patients with missing teeth know how irritating it can be to chew around a gap. The gums may feel tender, especially when eating crunchy foods. A bridge provides reliable chewing support.

Provide Long-Lasting Tooth Replacement

Bridges last for years with ideal care.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridge

This type is most common, with crowns serving as the abutment points.

Cantilever Bridge

A cantilever bridge has an abutment on only one side. It may not last as long as a traditional bridge due to the extra force on the abutment tooth.

Maryland Bridge

A Maryland bridge does not use crowns as an abutment. Instead, it has metal wings that the dentist cements to healthy teeth on either side.

Implant-Supported Bridge

This bridge improves on the traditional type by replacing the crowns with implants. An implant-supported bridge helps eliminate the stress placed on adjacent teeth.

Extending the Life of Your Dental Bridge

Brush and floss as directed, keeping the bridge and its surrounding teeth clean. Clean under the bridge using interproximal brushes. These tiny, disposable brushes are available in any pharmacy's oral care section.

Avoid sticky and hard foods. Avoid habits like chewing ice, pens, or fingernails. Do not use your teeth as tools.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bridges

How long does it take to get used to a dental bridge?

At first, wearing a dental bridge may cause discomfort. As the bridge settles and your gums become accustomed to the new materials, it will become comfortable. It typically takes a few weeks.

Can I take a dental bridge out?

Dental bridges are cemented to your teeth; only a dentist can remove them.

Call Dental Associates

If you have a missing tooth, please replace it before your oral health suffers. We can help you decide which type of bridge works best and restore your smile. Please call our Farmington, CT, office at 860-677-8666 to schedule a consultation.